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Sunday, December 06, 2009

Tables and Graphs - Statistics - On Line Lessons and Quizzes

If you'd like to practice statistics, try each of these activities from (Monroe County's Women's Disability Network).   Each activity includes a quiz.  Try it today and let me know what you think!

Circle/Pie Graphs
Bar Graphs
Line Graphs

Math and Elements, and Science Games and Puzzles -Interactive

Thanks to the Jefferson Lab, you can play a variety of math and science games on line.  All of these internet based games require a JavaScript enabled browser. 

TTT Press Maximum Math from the Multiplication Table

Since Math is all about patterns, let's use the Multiplication Table to solve problems involving simplifying fractins, ratios, proportions, fraction operations, and even the quadratic formula. My good friend Brad Fulton shows you how, HERE with practice sheets as well.  Let me know your thoughts on his method.