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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

TAKS Blueprints - How many questions per objective?

Here are the TAKS Blueprints for Math grades 3-8. They show the breakdown of each objective and the number of questions asked for each objective and how it increases from grade 3 to 8. My suggestion would be to print this out and keep it handy for review, whether you are a teacher or student. It helps put things into perspective. HTH

How many questions need to be correct on taks to pass?

If you'd like to know how many questions you need to get correct to pass TAKS Tests already taken, click on the links below.

Raw Score Conversion Table-2009 8th Grade TAKS MATH Test

TAKS Testing Dates for Math, Reading, Writing, Exit 2008-2009

When is the TAKS Test?
TAKS Testing Dates for all grade levels
You will find the days for each taks test in the above link.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Practice 7th Grade 2006 Released TAKS Test

Online Practice of the 2006 7th Grade Released TAKS Math Test.

Online Practice of the 2006 7th Grade Released TAKS Reading Test.

7th Grade Math TAKS Test On-line NOW!

Click HERE To test an on-line 7th Grade Released TAKS TEST from 2003.

When you're finished with the 2003 Test, take the 2006 Test. Chick HERE for the 2006 Released TAKS Test.

Get pencil and paper to work your problems out and just click your on answer choices for each of the 48 questions. When you are finished, it will tell you what Objectives you mastered along with all correct/incorrect items. Wishing you all the best!


Sunday, April 26, 2009

7th 8th TAKS Math Vocabulary Review

Checkout this site called Quizlet that reveals most missed words on the 7th & 8Tth grade Math TAKS test and the correct vocabulary. There's also a listing of 7th & 8th grade literary terms to help with TAKS Reading test found HERE.
Be sure to visit this website. It's great!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Percent of a Number?

Equivalent Fractions - Teacher's Corner

Teachers, you can use this tip with fraction circles to help students understand equivalent fractions.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

5th Grade Practice Math with TEKS

This website called IXL.COM had elementary math exercises up to 5th grade. They also give you the option of choosing your state's standards for the lessons.

Math Courses from Pre-K to College

Please visit the Math Tools Website. No more excuses for "I can't find on-line lessons on...". The links below are mainly for teachers, however if you are a student, click HERE.

The teacher lessons are below:
All Courses
Math 1
Math 2
Math 3
Math 4
Math 5
Math 6
Math 7
Algebra II
Probability & Statistics
Discrete Math