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Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Practice Ratios with self check

Cynthia Lanius of Rice University has interactive proportion practice exercises on finding RATIOS.
She also has many other fun math activities HERE!


Monday, December 07, 2009

Ratios and Proportions

Check out a lesson on Ratios and Proportions. When you make it through one page, click on the "Next" tab. Before you can master Proportions, you have to have a clear understanding of Ratios.
Click HERE for a lesson from to get started.
More on Ratios and Proportions.
EdHelper on Ratios and Proportions.
PurpleMath on Ratios and Proportions.
Ratios, Proportions, and Percents- This one from the Math Center is good with practice examples and answers.
Videos on Ratios

Below a video lesson on Ratio Tables and Proportions.

Lesson on Finding out if similar figures are Proportional (Geometry).

Video on Proportion Word Problems

Learning about Ratio Problems

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Tables and Graphs - Statistics - On Line Lessons and Quizzes

If you'd like to practice statistics, try each of these activities from (Monroe County's Women's Disability Network).   Each activity includes a quiz.  Try it today and let me know what you think!

Circle/Pie Graphs
Bar Graphs
Line Graphs

Math and Elements, and Science Games and Puzzles -Interactive

Thanks to the Jefferson Lab, you can play a variety of math and science games on line.  All of these internet based games require a JavaScript enabled browser. 

TTT Press Maximum Math from the Multiplication Table

Since Math is all about patterns, let's use the Multiplication Table to solve problems involving simplifying fractins, ratios, proportions, fraction operations, and even the quadratic formula. My good friend Brad Fulton shows you how, HERE with practice sheets as well.  Let me know your thoughts on his method.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

6th Grade Glencoe Math Book Student Resources

Here's the website for the Texas Edition of Glencoe.  My students use this a lot for homework and independent study.  Everything is here including games, quizes, review, concept/vocabulary development, and TAKS test preparation.  Check it out here!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

April 2009 Released TAKS Test Math Reading Science Social Studies Writing All Grades

Thanks to a one-stop place on Representative Scott Hochberg's website, you can easily find April 2009 Released TAKS Tests Math, Reading, Science, Writing, and Social Studies, English and Spanish, All Grades.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sunday, August 02, 2009

2009 District and School TAKS Test Results

If you would like to see how your school or district finished this year (2009) with their TAKS test results Visit the TEA 2009 Accountability: List of District and School Ratings.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

BBC has great Maths Websites

There's a school in the UK called Woodlands Junior that has a great website focusing on middle school objectives in Math, Science, and English/Language Arts. Check them out! They have games, revisions, and practice exercises. Great website!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

TAKS Blueprints - How many questions per objective?

Here are the TAKS Blueprints for Math grades 3-8. They show the breakdown of each objective and the number of questions asked for each objective and how it increases from grade 3 to 8. My suggestion would be to print this out and keep it handy for review, whether you are a teacher or student. It helps put things into perspective. HTH

How many questions need to be correct on taks to pass?

If you'd like to know how many questions you need to get correct to pass TAKS Tests already taken, click on the links below.

Raw Score Conversion Table-2009 8th Grade TAKS MATH Test

TAKS Testing Dates for Math, Reading, Writing, Exit 2008-2009

When is the TAKS Test?
TAKS Testing Dates for all grade levels
You will find the days for each taks test in the above link.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Practice 7th Grade 2006 Released TAKS Test

Online Practice of the 2006 7th Grade Released TAKS Math Test.

Online Practice of the 2006 7th Grade Released TAKS Reading Test.

7th Grade Math TAKS Test On-line NOW!

Click HERE To test an on-line 7th Grade Released TAKS TEST from 2003.

When you're finished with the 2003 Test, take the 2006 Test. Chick HERE for the 2006 Released TAKS Test.

Get pencil and paper to work your problems out and just click your on answer choices for each of the 48 questions. When you are finished, it will tell you what Objectives you mastered along with all correct/incorrect items. Wishing you all the best!


Sunday, April 26, 2009

7th 8th TAKS Math Vocabulary Review

Checkout this site called Quizlet that reveals most missed words on the 7th & 8Tth grade Math TAKS test and the correct vocabulary. There's also a listing of 7th & 8th grade literary terms to help with TAKS Reading test found HERE.
Be sure to visit this website. It's great!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Percent of a Number?

Equivalent Fractions - Teacher's Corner

Teachers, you can use this tip with fraction circles to help students understand equivalent fractions.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

5th Grade Practice Math with TEKS

This website called IXL.COM had elementary math exercises up to 5th grade. They also give you the option of choosing your state's standards for the lessons.

Math Courses from Pre-K to College

Please visit the Math Tools Website. No more excuses for "I can't find on-line lessons on...". The links below are mainly for teachers, however if you are a student, click HERE.

The teacher lessons are below:
All Courses
Math 1
Math 2
Math 3
Math 4
Math 5
Math 6
Math 7
Algebra II
Probability & Statistics
Discrete Math

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

6th Grade Math and Reading TAKS Help

TAKS Math Help? TAKS Reading Help?
Check out this site!
Great help for 6th grade Math and Reading and more!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Multiplication and Division

Exercises to practice Multiplication and Division at Math Forum.

Jump the Line Integer Game

Play this game to learn how the number line works. Great practice for using integers. Start with easy and work your way up to super brain (hard)! To play Jump The Line, click HERE!

What Makes the Square Root of 2 Irrational???

Find your answer here!

All About Irrational Numbers

Irrational Numbers

Math Is Fun - Math Resources

Help with Identifying Numbers

Check out the Math Video Tutor with a lesson all about numbers. You'll learn about Numbers on a Number Line, Natural Numbers, Whole Numbers, Intergers, Rational Numbers and Irrational Numbers. You'll also learn how to imput these numbers in a TI-83 calculator.

Properties of Numbers

TAKS Objective 1
Properties of Numbers

Scientific Notation 8th Grade TAKS Objective 1

Practice Website in Scientific Notation

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Teacher's Corner-Volume

Teachers, here's a great lesson on Volume for 8th grade, although I think it can be easily modified for 6th and 7th grade as well.

Friday, January 09, 2009

History of the TAKS Test

History of TAKS Development

In 1999 the 76th Session of the Texas Legislature enacted Senate Bill 103, mandating implementation of a new statewide testing program. The new testing requirements, subsequently named the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills, were implemented in spring 2003. By law, all eligible Texas public school students are assessed in mathematics in grades 3–10 and exit level; reading in grades 3–9; writing in grades 4 and 7; English language arts in grades 10 and exit level; science in grades 5, 8, 10, and exit level; and social studies in grades 8, 10, and exit level. Eligible students may meet testing requirements with Spanish versions of the TAKS assessments, available in mathematics at grades 3–6, in reading at grades 3–6, in writing at grade 4, and in science at grade 5.

To learn more, click here.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

All the stuff you should learn in 8th Grade Math

Click on this link for exercises by topic for everything you're supposed to know in 8th Grade Math. Each link has practice exercises. Check it out today!!